
European Parliament adopts resolution calling for EU Homelessness Strategy

Project Report - Mental Illness and Criminal Justice System - Australia

The Homeless Person's Legal Service Mental Illness Project - Australia

In 2013, Homeless Person's Legal Service commenced a series of projects looking at the difficulties experienced by homeless people living with mental illness in applying for and sustaining accommodation. These projects also consider the over-representation in the criminal justice system of people who are homeless and live with mental illness.


New Publication: Beyond the Prison Gates - Australia

Homeless Persons' Legal Service: Beyond the Prison Gates – Straight from Prison to Homelessness


FEANTSA director blogs on USICH site about homelessness and human rights

I Believe in Human Rights

By Freek Spinnewijn, Director of FEANTSA 

I believe in human rights. I even believe in human rights for people experiencing homelessness. This has to be said, because in many countries, States, and cities, the human rights of people experiencing homelessness are at worst violated, and most often ignored.  


Right to Housing in Europe for Dummies


Safeguarding Human Rights in times of economic crisis

Safeguarding human rights in times of economic crisis 

Issue Paper from the Commissioner for Human Rights - Council of Europe

Table of Contents

The Commissioner’s recommendations
1. Impacts of austerity measures and economic crisis
on the enjoyment of human rights
1.1. A typology of austerity
1.2. Economic, social and cultural rights

Applying a Human Rights – Based Approach to Homelessness – from Theory to Practice, Mean Streets: Chapter 1


Mean Streets: Chapter 1

Applying a Human Rights – Based Approach to Homelessness – from Theory to Practice

By Dr. Padraic Kenna, Faculty of Law, National University of Ireland, and Guillem Fernàndez Evangelista, ex-Associacio ProHabitatge, Government and Public Policy Institute (IGOP), Autonomous University of Barcelona




State of Housing Rights

The Right to housing is not constitutionally guaranteed, nor is it included in national law. However, local authorities have the right to allocate up to one in every four vacant dwellings in public housing to persons in need of housing. This excludes public housing designated as youth residences or elderly housing. 


State of Housing Rights

The Bulgarian constitution does not recognize the right to housing as a fundamental right. Bulgaria has ratified the Revised European Social Charter although it has not ratified Charter Article 31, which provides for the right to housing. However, Bulgaria has ratified the Additional Protocol providing for a Collective Complaint procedure. 


Collective Complaints:


Several collective complaints have been initiated against Bulgaria concerning the treatment of Roma. These include:


AHMET ÖZKAN AND OTHERS c. TURKEY (Application n. 21689/93)



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