
Call for Right to Housing to be enshrined in the Irish Constitution

Op Ed by Niamh Randall, Head of Policy and Communications with the Simon Communities of Ireland and Senator Colette Kelleher. 


The DALO law: a step towards making the right to housing a reality

Julie CLAUZIER, Jurislogement
Jurislogement is a national network of lawyers, experts in the right to housing



M.B.D. and others v. Spain (Communication No. 5/2015) [5.07.2017]

Date of the decision: 5 July 2017
Jurisdiction: UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
Country: Spain
Subject: Evictions without suitable alternative accommodation (tenants)
The Committee urged Spain to:

    The DALO Law is 10 years old

    On 5 March 2007, the French parliament unanimously adopted a law making the right to housing enforceable. Known as the DALO law, this text obliges the French State to move away from an obligation of diligence towards a performance obligation in ensuring access to housing for all.


    Protecting the Right to Housing in England: A Context of Crisis

    Just Fair, ‘Protecting the Right to Housing in England: A Context of Crisis’ (London, Just Fair, 2015),
    Dr. Jessie Hohmann
    BA, LLB, LLM, PhD. Lecturer in Law, Queen Mary, University of London.

    The Shift: from housing as a commodity to housing as home and a human right


    In June 2017 FEANTSA participated in a strategic meeting in Ottawa organized by the UN Special Rapporteur on Adequate Housing, Leilani Farha. The goal of the gathering was to discuss the next steps of “The Shift”, a global campaign for the right to housing launched at the Habitat III Summit in Quito in October 2016.


    Evicted rights in Spain: no room of one’s own

    Koldo Casla 
    Researcher on the right to housing, Amnesty International Spain.

    This article was first published in OpenGlobalRights (Open Democracy)


    Conference in Tarragona 'Ensuring the effective exercise of the right to housing in the EU'



    Reclaiming the Right to Housing

    Juan Carlos Benito Sánchez
    PhD Fellow at University of Louvain (Belgium), Visiting Researcher at UCL (UK)
    Twitter: @jcbensan

    Report of the Special Rapporteur on adequate housing - Mission to Portugal

    In December 2016 two United Nations human rights experts visited Portugal and expressed concern about the impact of the economic crisis and the austerity measures on the enjoyment of the rights to housing, water and sanitation in this country.
    At the end of a joint official visit to the country, UN Special Rapporteurs, Léo Heller and Leilani Farha, warned about the situation of people in vulnerable situations, including the “new poor”- those who have been pushed into poverty as a result of the austerity measures.


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