Caldarar and Others v. Poland. Application No. 6142/16. [06 February 2025]
The EU and its Member States must respect and promote the right to adequate housing in Europe
In the run-up to the June 2024 elections, we have published a legal briefing: The EU and its Member States must respect and promote the right to adequate housing in Europe!
New complaint registered against Spain on the right to housing
The EU and its Member States must respect and promote the right to adequate housing in Europe!
In the run-up to the June 2024 elections, we have published a legal briefing: The EU and its Member States must respect and promote the right to adequate housing in Europe!
Conclusions 2023 of the European Committee of Social Rights on Children, Family and Migrants
A stepping stone for the right to adequate housing of undocumented migrants: Notes on Infante Díaz v Spain
Doctoral Candidate | Lund University, Faculty of Law, Sweden
Concluding observations of the CESCR on the fourth periodic report of Ireland
Official Visit of the UN Special Rapporteur on Adequate Housing to the Netherlands
The Special Rapporteur on the Right to adequate housing presented in March his report on his visit to the Netherlands, from 11 to 21 December 2023.
Ensuring the right to housing in Europe's green transition
Imam v LB Croydon, UK Supreme Court [2023]
The Supreme Court in R (on the application of Imam) (Respondent) v London Borough of Croydon (Appellant) [2023] UKSC 45 has unanimously held that general funding pressures are not an excuse for non-compliance with a local authority's duty under s193(2) of the Housing Act 1996 to provide suitable accommodation to a homeless individual.