
L. J. W. v. Belgium. (Communication No. 61/2018) [23.11.2021]

Date of the decision: 23.11.2021
Country: Belgium
Jurisdiction: Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights

Rethinking rent control in Europe

For the first time, Housing Rights Watch and the Housing Solutions platform organized a joint webinar on the theme "Rethinking rent control in Europe".


Monitoring Adequate Housing in Ireland

On the 14th of September 2021, a report was presented on Monitoring adequate housing in Ireland by the ESRI and the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission (IHREC).


Introduction to Housing Rights in Portugal



This training course is part of a series of capacity building activities addressed mainly to FEANTSA members in the framework of our Annual Programme. 

Housing Rights Watch organised this online event together with  Ricardo Ferreira and Ana Martins, AMI, Fundação de Assistência Médica Internacional.


FEANTSA v. Czech Republic (Collective Complaint No. 191/2020)

The European Committee of Social Rights declared the complaint admissible on December 9, 2020. The complaint is against the Czech Republic (191/2020) and concerns Article 16 of the European Social Charter, which guarantees the right of the family to social, legal, and economic protection. In particular, the Committee deems FEANTSA's complaint admissible under Article 4 of the Protocol, as it is signed by an authorized representative and sufficiently outlines the alleged violation of Article 16 of the 1961 Charter by the Czech Republic.

Study on unfit housing in the EU: how to better protect vulnerable tenants from slum landlords

Study on unfit housing in the EU: learning from different legislation to protect vulnerable tenants. (EN)

Download it here. 


Sixth Overview of Housing Exclusion in Europe - Rent regulation

The Abbé Pierre Foundation and FEANTSA published their Sixth Overview of Housing Exclusion in Europe on 6 May 2021. This latest report focuses on young people, who are worse affected by housing exclusion than other groups, especially when they are poor, which was the case even before the pandemic took hold. The report also takes stock of the wave of poverty that has engulfed Europe more than a year after the pandemic began. Difficult housing conditions have a negative impact on young people's pathway to independence.


Model Emergency Housing Legislation. Protecting the Right to Housing during Covid 19



Denmark’s “Ghetto Package” and the intersection of the right to housing and non-discrimination


Susheela Math

Legal Officer, Open Society Justice Initiative

Thousands of people across Denmark face eviction from their homes under the country’s “Ghetto Package,” which seeks to “eradicate” “ghettos” by 2030.  The State distinguishes “ghettos” from other areas with the same socio-economic factors on the basis that the majority of residents are of what it calls “non-Western background.” 


Lăcătuş v. Switzerland (Application no. 14065/15) [19.01.2021]

Language: French

Date of the decision: 19 January 2021

Country: Switzerland

Jurisdiction: European Court of Human Rights (Chamber judgment)

Legal basis: Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights (Right to respect for private and family life)

Subject: Begging in public



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