
The 9th Overview of Housing Exclusion in Europe 2024 is now available

The evidence on housing is clear: rental costs are escalating, house prices are becoming increasingly unaffordable and the shortage of affordable housing is growing by the day. It appears that the measures taken so far have not had the desired effect of improving these trends. At the same time, a growing number of young people are facing a situation that not only jeopardises their present circumstances, but also their future prospects.

Collective Complaint n° 47/2008 - Defence for Children International (DCI) v. the Netherlands [20.10.2009]

Date of the ruling (Decision on the merits) : October 20th 2009

Jurisdiction : European Committee of Social Rights - Council of Europe

Legal basis : Article 31 (right to housing), Article E (non-discrimination), Article 17 (right of children and young persons to social, legal and economic protection) of the Revised European Social Charter.


To cc or not to cc – The effect of collective complaints in practice

On November 10, 2014 the Decisions on the Merits were published for two Collective Complaints against The Netherlands. The first complaint was submitted by FEANTSA and deals with access criteria and availability of shelter for homeless people in the Netherlands. The second complaint was submitted by the Conference of European Churches and deals with access to shelter and basic amenities (water, food, clothing) for undocumented migrants.


Conference - Housing Rights: the impact of strategic litigation and advocacy - Comparing Europe and North America

École Nationale Supérieure
d’Architecture de Paris-Belleville
60 boulevard de la Villette
75019 PARIS
Metro line 2 : Belleville or Colonel Fabien

Thursday 18 june 2015 - 9:00 to 17:00

9:00 Registration

9:15 Welcome from Ian Brossat , Deputy Mayor of Paris, responsible for housing and emergency shelter

9:30 Does challenging measures that criminalise homelessness work? What lessons from the USA and Canada for lawyers and NGOs in Europe?


CESR factsheet on Spain: Austerity driving poverty, growing inequality and human rights deterioration


Spain: Austerity driving poverty, growing inequality and human rights deterioration



Mohamed RAJI and others against Spain (Application No. 3537/13) [16.12.2014]

Decided on 16 December 2014

Relevant Articles:   Article 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights (against torture, and "inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment") and Article 8 of the Convention (right to respect for their family life and/or their home)


Landmark decision condemns Dutch government for violations on housing rights

FEANTSA has won its collective Collective Complaint against The Netherlands. First lodged with the Council of Europe in July 2012, the Collective Complaint (no. 86/2012) against the Netherlands alleged iolations of several rights under the Revised European Social Charter. Today, the European Committee for Social Rights lifted the embargo on the final decision in this case.

To access the full article click here


Shattered Dreams Impact of Spain’s Housing Crisis on Vulnerable Groups

Human Rights Watch Report. 

Hopeful home purchases during Spain’s economic boom have turned into a nightmare of foreclosures, evictions, and over-indebtedness amid the economic crisis.


Youth human rights at risk

Youth human rights at risk says commissioner Nils Muižnieks of the council of Europe. 


Presentation on human rights in Spain

Presentation given at FEANTSA's Study Session in March 2014 - Prevention of youth homelessness through access to social rights.  This presentation highlights examples of changes in legislation and recent activism to ensure respect and promotion of human rights in Spain in the context of the economic crisis and the imposition of the government's austerity measures.  In 2014, Caritas Espagne established a special unit to address the legal issues faced by people living in increasingly difficult circumstances, particularly those who have been made homeless or are at risk of homelessness due to



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