Czech law does not define homelessness, nor does it directly aim to persecute homeless people.Criminal law is invoked only in the case of more serious offences. Therefore criminal law does not negatively impact the everyday lives of homeless people, with the exception of squatting,which is a criminal offence in the Czech Republic. Most of the activities of homeless people are therefore dealt with in administrative proceedings.Panhandling and drinking alcohol in public are prohibited by local regulations in certain areas of Prague, though sleeping rough is permitted. Anti-social behaviour and other activities and offences are prohibited under Act No. 200/1990 Coll., on administrative offences, as amended (the“Administrative Offence Act”). We are not aware of any significant recent change in legislation in this area. In connection with homeless people, there is a proposed amendment of the Administrative Offence Act that would give municipalities the right to punish offenders, including homeless people, for offences against public order by banishment of up to three months. It is unclear whether this amendment will be eventually adopted.
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