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The aim of the handbook is to introduce non-legal professionals working on advocacy in the housing or homeless sector to existing legal mechanisms at European and international level that can be used to hold states accountable for their obligations to protect and promote the right to housing and related rights.
The handbook is split into three main sections. The first section provides an institutional overview of where the legal provisions for housing fit within the UN, the Council of Europe, and the EU’s work on fundamental and social rights. It then provides a brief introduction to strategic litigation, what it is, how it is used, and a review of existing strategic litigation mechanisms available, corresponding to the provisions outlined in section one. Section two also explains who can make use of them, when, and how. Section three makes the bridge back to advocacy, showing how strategic litigation and advocacy are interdependent in that any strategic litigation efforts must be accompanied by advocacy to maximise impact, and that advocacy efforts can be strengthened by resorting to strategic litigation in addition to other tools.
We hope the handbook will be useful for housing activists and grassroots organisations who do not necessarily have a legal department or much legal background. Our ultimate goal in publishing this is two-fold: firstly, we want to encourage a wider use of strategic litigation mechanisms in areas or countries where these may be under-utilised, or at least raise awareness as to the place legal instruments can occupy in an advocacy organisation’s toolkit. Secondly, we also wish to encourage wider use of the legal provisions for the right to housing that exist at European and international level, especially when those established at national level may not exist or are insufficient to ensure that human rights are protected.
Year of publication:
2 020
FEANTSA and Abbe Pierre Foundation
FEANTSA and Abbe Pierre Foundation
EU Housing Rights
Human rights
Right to housing