The Right to housing is not constitutionally guaranteed. However, article 96 of Latvian Constitution ensures that "everyone has the right to inviolability of their private life, home, and correspondence", and the Law on the Rights of the Child provides that children have the right to housing.
In terms of international treaties and obligations, Latvia ratified the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in 1992, and has ratified the Revised European Social Charter on 26/03/2013, accepting 90 of the Revised Charter’s 98 paragraphs : about Article 31 on the right to housing, it just accepted paragraph 1 (promoting access to housing of an adequate standard), and excluded paragraphs 2 (preventing and reducing homelessness) and 3 (making the price of housing accessible to those without adequate resources). Furthermore, although Latvia has signed, it has yet to ratify the Additional Protocol providing for a system of collective complaints.