Universal Periodic Review - France January 2019

In the framework of the 3rd cycle of the Universal Periodic Review , States in the Human Rights Council made numerous recommendations to France on Monday, 15 January 2019.

The States were very numerous to intervene: 115 interventions carrying 280 recommendations addressed to France, nearly twice as in the previous universal periodic review (165 recommendations). This reflects the special attention paid to France, the concerns raised by some of these policies and especially the fact that its speeches and actions on the international scene can not be in conflict with the policies carried out at the national level without causing strong criticism.

More specifically, States were particularly concerned about:

  • Lack of respect for the rights of migrants and asylum seekers, and the rights of unaccompanied minors,
  • the lack of respect for human rights in the fight against terrorism, and the need for an independent monitoring mechanism,
  • police violence, facies checks and the need to fight against impunity,
  • persistent inequalities between women and men, particularly in the area of ​​employment,
  • the need to combat violence against women,
  • the persistence of the phenomenon of trafficking and exploitation of human beings,
  • the non-conformity of French law and its policies with the letter and spirit of the International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities,
  • prison conditions and overcrowding in detention centers,
  • the persistence of racism and discrimination, particularly against Roma,
  • the persistence of hatred and discrimination against LGBTI people and the need for an independent evaluation of the National Mobilization Plan,
  • the inefficiency of anti-poverty and housing inclusion mechanisms, and the need to simplify access to social minima

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