On 28 October, FEANTSA presented the Homeless Bill of Rights at an event in Brighton, the UK, co-organised with Just Fair and the Brighton & Hove Housing Coalition. We are hopeful that Brighton will be the first British city to sign up to the Bill. More information on Brighton's take on the Bill can be found here.
After the launch, the coalition shall be trying to get all party support for the initiative. If the Council accepts the Bill of Rights, they will need to incorporate its principles into many of their policies and practices, and to work with other partner organizations to achieve its goals. The Brighton & Hove Housing Coalition, will be campaigning to hold the Council to its promises, and they also envisage an annual audit in which they hope as many local organizations and campaigners as possible will participate, keeping the issues before the public eye and holding the public bodies involved to account.
If you would like more information on how to lobby your city to sign up, please contact Maria Jose Aldanas.