Presentation of the Homeless Bill of Rights at the Abbe Pierre Foundation


On 7 Decembre, the Homeless Bill of Rights was presented at an event in Paris, organised by the Abbé Pierre Foundation and with the support of forty associations. The presentation was introduced by the French FEANTSA representative. 

The Declaration reaffirms the fundamental rights that effectively enable homeless people to end homelessness and enjoy the same rights as any other human being.

We are hopeful that the city of Paris will consider endorsing the Homeless Bill of Rights. More information on their take on the Bill can be found here.

After the launch, the coalition of associacions shall be lobbying to get support for the initiative among all the local actors. If the Council accepts the Bill of Rights, they will need to incorporate its principles into many of their policies and practices, and to work with other partner organizations to achieve its goals. 

If you would like more information about the European Campaign, please contact Maria Jose Aldanas



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