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Derechos desahuciados en España: sin habitación propia

Koldo Casla

Investigador sobre los derechos a la vivienda y a la salud. Amnistía Internacional - Sección Española

Este artículo fue publicado en OpenGlobalRights (Open Democracy)


¿Quiénes Somos?


Housing Rights Watch es una red europea interdisciplinar de asociaciones, abogados y académicos de diferentes países, comprometidos en la promoción del derecho a la vivienda para todos. El derecho a la vivienda ha sido reconocido como uno de los derechos humanos fundamentales más importantes y buscamos la realización del derecho de toda persona a vivir con dignidad ya tener un lugar seguro, adecuado y asequible donde vivir.

Respuestas de las Comunidades Autónomas en el Estado español ante la emergencia y exclusión residencial: la función social de la vivienda

Diciembre 2015

Sonia Olea FerrerasEquipo de Incidencia Política de Cáritas Española

I.- Breves notas sobre la situación de emergencia y exclusión residencial actual:


Presentations from the Housing Rights Watch Conference, Paris, June 18th 2015

On June 18th 2015, Housing Rights Watch held a conference in Paris, "Housing Rights : the impact of strategic litigation and advocacy - Comparing Europe and North America"

See the program here


Here you can find presentations that set the pace for the day :


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C-69037/10 Pelipenko v. Russia [16.01.2014]

Decided on 16 January 2014

Relevant Articles: Article 41 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms


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The right to emergency accommodation, a breach in the dam of fundamental rights ?

By Marc Uhry , Fondation Abbé Pierre and Claire Zoccali, Lyon Bar

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The increasing criminalization of homelessness in Hungary

By Mariann Dósa and Éva Tessza Udvarhelyi , A Város Mindenkié (The City is for All),
Budapest, Hungary

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Debate on begging and homelessness among EU-migrants in Sweden.

Presentation on human rights in Spain

Presentation given at FEANTSA's Study Session in March 2014 - Prevention of youth homelessness through access to social rights.  This presentation highlights examples of changes in legislation and recent activism to ensure respect and promotion of human rights in Spain in the context of the economic crisis and the imposition of the government's austerity measures.  In 2014, Caritas Espagne established a special unit to address the legal issues faced by people living in increasingly difficult circumstances, particularly those who have been made homeless or are at risk of homelessness due to

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Project Report - Mental Illness and Criminal Justice System - Australia

The Homeless Person's Legal Service Mental Illness Project - Australia

In 2013, Homeless Person's Legal Service commenced a series of projects looking at the difficulties experienced by homeless people living with mental illness in applying for and sustaining accommodation. These projects also consider the over-representation in the criminal justice system of people who are homeless and live with mental illness.

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