
Ceesay Ceesay and Others v. Spain (Application 62688/13) [15.10.2013]

In the case Ceesay Ceesay and Others v.


Landmark decision condemns Dutch government for violations on housing rights

FEANTSA has won its collective Collective Complaint against The Netherlands. First lodged with the Council of Europe in July 2012, the Collective Complaint (no. 86/2012) against the Netherlands alleged iolations of several rights under the Revised European Social Charter. Today, the European Committee for Social Rights lifted the embargo on the final decision in this case.

To access the full article click here


KIT de emergencia 2.0 Frente a modificacion ley y sentencia TJUE

Frente a la modificación de la Ley Hipotecaria y la sentencia del Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea (TJUE), desde el equipo jurídico de la PAH se ha generado un Kit de emergencia 2.0. Este Kit consta de un documento de instrucciones para los abogados de oficio y otro con el modelo de recurso de apelación en si.
Esta guía pretende servir de orientación para la defensa legal de personas inmersas en procesos de ejecución hipotecaria aun no finalizados, a los cuales les sea de aplicación el plazo de un mes (hasta el 8 de octubre de 2014)


The right to emergency accommodation, a breach in the dam of fundamental rights ?

By Marc Uhry , Fondation Abbé Pierre and Claire Zoccali, Lyon Bar


Foreclosures, Housing Rights and Prevention of Homelessness in Spain

Over the last 30 years there have been several speculative bubbles in the Spanish housing sector. The first boom took place in the early 1970s, when 500,000 houses per
year were built until the oil crisis of 1973. This growth was not overly excessive, since the “secular shortage” of housing since the post-war period was being addressed,
combined with the migratory waves from the rural areas to the cities resulting from industrialization processes and the demographic growth during that period. The second

Not only does the Bedroom Tax push people into poverty, its also in violation of the Right to Housing

Following a 14 day official visit to the United Kingdom, the
UN’s Special Rapporteur on Adequate Housing (as a component
of the right to an adequate standard of living and
to non-discrimination in this context), Ms. Raquel Rolnik,
issued a Press Statement which despite praising many
aspects of the UK’s provision of affordable housing was
also highly critical of certain recent developments, and in
particular the controversial so-called “bedroom tax”.
Between the 29 August and 11 September 2013, upon


Presentation CECODHAS Europe

Presentation of CECHODAS europe made at the housing rights watch conference

on the 13th of june 2014.

click here to download


Case C-537/12 Banco Popular Español

Date of the ruling : 
Order of 14 November 2013
Legal basis:  

EU Housing Rights

Although housing and housing rights as such are not formally a European Union competence, there are still several tools at EU level which relate in one way or another to the right to housing. These include the:




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