Collective Complaint No. 58/2009 by the Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions (COHRE) against Italy

Resolutions of the Committee of Ministers
Decision date: 21/10/2010
Complaint no. 58/2009
Articles of the European Social Charter 
(Art. 31-1) adequate housing
(Art. 31-2) reduction of homelessness
(Art. 16) social, legal and economic protection of the family
(Art. 19-1) assistance and information
(Art. 19-4) equal treatment in employment conditions, right to organise, accommodation
(Art. 19-8) deportation
Resolution of the Committee of Ministers can fe found here.
Council of Europe - Committee of Social Rights - European Social Charter
Article 19 - Right of migrant workers and their families to protection and assistance
Article 31 - Right to housing
Right to housing


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