Safeguarding human rights in times of economic crisis
Issue Paper from the Commissioner for Human Rights - Council of Europe
Table of Contents
The Commissioner’s recommendations
1. Impacts of austerity measures and economic crisis
on the enjoyment of human rights
1.1. A typology of austerity
1.2. Economic, social and cultural rights
1.3. Civil and political rights
1.4. Disproportionate impacts on disadvantaged and marginalised groups of people
1.5. Interdependence of human rights and intergenerational effects of austerity
1.6. Impacts on state capacity and the human rights protection system
2. Human rights standards and jurisprudence
on austerity
2.1. Human rights as legal imperatives and higher-order policy objectives
2.2. Economic, social and cultural rights norms under austerity
2.3. Civil and political rights
2.4. Rights to transparency, participation and accountability
2.5. Equality, non-discrimination and positive measures
3. Implementing human rights in times
of economic crisis
3.1. Institutionalising transparency, access to information and participation
3.2. Conducting systematic human rights and equality impact assessments
4 Safeguarding human rights in times of economic crisis
4.1. Carrying out systematic human rights screening of budget and fiscal policy
4.2. Promoting equality and combating discrimination and racism
4.3. Ensuring social protection floors for all
4.4. Guaranteeing the right to decent work
4.5. Ensuring access to justice for all and maintaining the human rights protection system
4.6. Engaging and supporting an active civil society
4.7. Regulating finance in the interest of human rights
4.8. Intergovernmental co-operation and assistance
4. Role of national human rights structures
4.1. NHRSs promoting and protecting human rights in crisis
4.2. Opportunities for advancing human rights-compliant crisis responses
4.3. Empowering NHRSs in times of fiscal austerity
Appendix 1 – European Social Charter: signatures and ratifications
Appendix 2 – European Code of Social Security (ETS No. 48): signatures and ratifications
Appendix 3 – Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: signatures and ratifications
You may find access to the issue paper here
Year of publication:
2 013
Council of Europe
Droits de l'homme
Human rights
Jurisdiction & Article:
Council of Europe - Committee of Social Rights - European Social Charter