
Seminar: Instruments for Advocacy and Litigation on Housing Rights: How to Move Forward in the Polish Context


López Albán v. Spain (Communication No. 37/2018) [11.10.2019]

Date of the decision: 11 October 2019
Jurisdiction: UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
Country: Spain
Subject: Assesment of proportionality of an eviction in cases of illegal occupation. 

A recent decision by the UN CESCR committee deems Spain in violation of the right to adequate housing for the third time

by Sonia Olea Ferreras

Cáritas Spain



State of Housing Rights

In Portugal, housing rights are guaranteed by both law and Constitution which states that “everyone shall have the right for himself and his family to a dwelling of adequate size satisfying standards of hygiene and comfort and preserving personal and family privacy” (Art. 65 Paragraph 1). 
Paragraph 2 of the same Article continues: “In order to safeguard the right to housing it shall be the duty of the State to: 

FIDH v Ireland: Reflections on Taking a Collective Complaint

by Cecilia Forrestal
Community Action Network


UK: Supreme Court considers the affordability of accommodation in determining whether a person became “intentionally homeless”


A woman who spent benefits on feeding her children rather than paying rent has a won a court case against the Birmingham council that declared her intentionally homeless after she fell into arrears. The case sets precedent in cases of people unable to afford rent.


Effective International Protection of Social Rights of Polish Nationals. A Contribution to the Debate

Adam Ploszka, Ph.D.
Faculty of Law and Administration University of Warsaw
Expert Commission on Combatting Homelessness attached to the Commissioner for Human Rights of Poland

To Luxembourg Instead Of Strasbourg?

To Luxembourg Instead Of Strasbourg?
A report on the role of the Court of Justice of the European Union in the protection of human rights

Warsaw, September 2018


Collective complaint against Greece for non compliance with the right to housing

The International Commission of Jurists and the European Council for Refugees and Exiles lodged a collective complaint against Greece before the European Committee on Social Rights for violations of migrant and asylum-seeking children’s rights, both with families and unaccompanied, under the revised European Social Charter on several accounts. 

UN Special Rapporteur Leilani Farha’s official visit to France




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