
Call for Solidarity in struggle against the criminalisation of homelessness in Hungary

We invite our friends all over the world to join our struggle against the criminalisation of homelessness in Hungary.


Project Report - Mental Illness and Criminal Justice System - Australia

The Homeless Person's Legal Service Mental Illness Project - Australia

In 2013, Homeless Person's Legal Service commenced a series of projects looking at the difficulties experienced by homeless people living with mental illness in applying for and sustaining accommodation. These projects also consider the over-representation in the criminal justice system of people who are homeless and live with mental illness.


New Publication: Beyond the Prison Gates - Australia

Homeless Persons' Legal Service: Beyond the Prison Gates – Straight from Prison to Homelessness


GISTI: Sans-papiers, mais pas sans droits (6ème édition)


La publication de GISTI (Groupe d'information et de soutien des immigrés) - Sans-papiers mais pas sans droitss’adresse aux sans-papiers et aux personnes qui les accompagnent. Contrairement à ce que l’on croit trop souvent, les étrangers et étrangères en situation irrégulière ou précaire sur le territoire français ont des droits fondamentaux.


BURDOV v. RUSSIA (Application no. 59498/00)

Collective Complaint Defence for Children International (DCI) v. Belgium





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