
App. 29217/12 Tarakhel v. Switzerland [04/11/2014]



Right to housing : UN Committee on ESCR issues historic recommendations to Spain

International Network for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ESCR-Net) News



C-138/02 Collins v. Secretary of State for Work and Pensions (UK) [23.03.2004]



C-53/81 D.M. Levin v. Staatssecretaris van Justitie (Netherlands) [23.03.1982]

Ms. Levin was a British national, married to a South African national, who moved to the Netherlands. Ms. Levin had undertaken a small amount of part-time work and she and her husband supplemented their earned income with investment income. The earned income was far below what could be regarded as a necessary income according to Dutch Law. The question was whether she could be regarded as a worker for the purposes of EU law. The European Court of Justice stated that it does not matter if the income is lower than the minimum required for subsistence.



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