KESER AND OTHERS v. TURKEY (Applications nos. 33238/96 and 32965/96)

According to the applicants, in 1994, the Turkish security forces expelled the inhabitants of a village suspected of "aiding and abetting terrorists" of the PKK. According to the Turkish government, the security forces were actually terrorists disguised as policemen.

According to the Court, for lack of evidence, there has been no violation of Articles 3 and 8 of the Convention and of Protocol No. 1. There has been no violation of Article 5 paragraph 1 because the applicants had not been detained or deprived of liberty. The Court finds that there has been no proven discrimination and therefore says no violation of Articles 14 and 18.
In the case Kezer et al. Turkey, the Court has allocated an amount of 4,000 euros each and 3 031.53 jointly.




Council of Europe - European Court of Human Rights
Article 3 - Prohibition of torture or inhuman or degrading treatment
Article 8 - Right to respect for private and family life
Article 14 - Prohibition of discrimination
Article 1 Protocol 1 - Protection of property
Human rights
Right to housing
Rights of residents
Right to property


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